Heaven
and
Earth
151)
Rabbi
Shimon
opened
and
said,
“In
the
beginning
God
created.”
We
should
consider
this
verse.
Anyone
who
says
that
there
is
another
God
will
perish
from
the
world,
as
it
is
written
in
Jeremiah,
“Thus
you
shall
say
to
them,
‘The
gods
that
did
not
make
the
heavens
and
the
earth
will
perish
from
the
earth
and
from
under
these
heavens,’”
since
there
is
no
other
God
but
the
Creator.
Explanation:
This
relates
to
what
he
said,
“Sit
and
we
will
renew
the
correction
of
the
bride.”
Hence,
he
started
to
explain,
“In
the
beginning
God
created,”
which
is
the
root
of
all
the
corrections
of
the
bride
during
the
6,000
years.
Elokim
[God]
is
the
upper
Elokim,
Bina,
and
he
is
called
Elokim,
in
regard
to
[who]
created
[these].
And
as
connected
to
the
name
always
connects,
and
by
that,
the
world
exists.
With
it,
he
explained
that
the
Creator,
Bina,
is
called
Elokim—associating
with
ELEH—through
clothing
of
light
of
Hochma
in
garments
of
glory
that
shine
with
Hassadim.
By
that,
the
world
exists.
Hence,
“The
Elokim
[gods]
that
did
not
make
the
heavens
and
the
earth,”
could
not
give
sustenance
to
the
world.
That
is,
other
gods,
who
separate
from
must
certainly
perish
from
under
the
heavens
that
are
corrected
by
connecting
with
This
is
so
because
with
their
strength,
there
can
never
be
existence
to
the
world,
but
rather
ruin.
This
is
why
the
text
stresses,
“Under
these
heavens.”
This
verse
is
a
translation
[from
Aramaic
to
Hebrew],
except
for
the
word
at
the
end
of
the
verse,
meaning
indicating
the
bonding
of
with
152)
“This
verse
is
a
translation,
except
for
the
word
at
the
end
of
the
verse.”
Is
it
so
because
the
holy
angels
do
not
listen
to
translation,
to
the
Aramaic
language
and
do
not
know
it?
If
so,
it
should
have
been
the
opposite;
he
should
have
said
it
in
the
holy
tongue
[language],
so
that
the
holy
angels
would
hear
it
and
listen
in
order
to
thank
for
it.
However,
it
is
certainly
written
in
translation
because
the
holy
angels
do
not
listen
to
it,
and
will
not
envy
a
person
and
harm
him,
since
the
holy
angels
are
included
in
this
verse,
as
well,
for
they,
too,
are
called
“gods”:
they
are
included
in
the
gods
and
they
did
not
make
the
heavens
and
the
earth.
The
language
of
the
translation
is
close
to
the
holy
tongue,
yet
the
angels
do
not
need
it
and
do
not
know
it,
while
they
do
need
and
know
the
languages
of
the
nations
of
the
world.
The
language
of
translation
is
posterior,
of
the
holy
tongue,
since
are
called
posterior
and
sleep,
without
Mochin,
which
are
For
this
reason,
the
translation
is
truly
very
close
to
the
holy
tongue.
Therefore,
the
translation
is
indeed
very
close
to
the
holy
tongue.
However,
there
is
another
reason
here,
for
which
the
angels
do
not
need
it.
The
holy
tongue
is
the
language
that
decides
in
the
middle,
the
fulcrum
that
tips
the
scale,
deciding
that
the
side
of
merits
be
above
the
side
of
faults,
and
returning
everything
to
Kedusha
[holiness].
This
is
why
it
is
called
“the
holy
tongue”
[in
Hebrew,
the
scale’s
fulcrum
is
called
“the
tongue
of
the
scales”].
The
matter
of
the
scales
is
understood
from
what
Rabbi
Shimon
said,
“The
heavens
and
their
hosts
were
created
with
MA,”
Malchut.
This
is
why
it
is
written,
“In
the
beginning
God
created,”
the
upper
God,
Bina,
and
not
Malchut,
since
is
Malchut,
and
it
was
not
built
in
However,
when
the
letters
are
drawn
from
above,
from
Bina,
to
below,
to
Malchut,
since
the
mother
[Ima]
lends
her
clothes
to
her
daughter,
as
it
is
written,
“These
remember,”
mention
the
letters
with
my
mouth,
shedding
tears
with
the
will
of
my
soul
to
draw
the
letters
Then
“I
will
walk,”
from
above,
“to
the
house
of
God”
will
be
called
Elokim
[God].
Thus,
Elokim
does
not
appear
in
the
heaven
and
earth
that
were
created
with
except
by
extending
the
letters
from
upper
Ima
through
and
good
deeds,
as
it
is
written,
“I
mention
these
letters
with
my
mouth
and
shed
tears.”
This
is
because
Mochin
of
called
Elokim,
are
not
permanent
in
heaven
and
earth,
which
are
since
when
raising
from
below,
becomes
and
the
letters
join
the
and
the
name
Elokim
is
made—the
Mochin
in
heaven
and
earth.
And
if
the
lower
ones
corrupt
their
works,
the
Mochin
depart
from
and
remain
in
of
the
vessels
and
Ruach-Nefesh
of
lights,
which
are
called
or
Then
the
letters
fall
to
the
shells,
since
is
and
is
Thus,
the
correction
depends
entirely
on
the
connection
of
the
letters
the
through
This
is
why
this
correction
is
called
“the
holy
tongue,”
the
fulcrum
of
the
scales
which
decides
in
the
middle
and
by
which
the
Mochin,
who
are
called
“holiness,”
are
drawn
out.
It
is
because
it
extends
the
holy
name
Elokim
to
and
shifts
the
letters
to
the
side
of
merit,
of
Kedusha.
Also,
they
are
called
Moznayim
[scales]
from
the
word
Ozen
[ear],
since
the
lights
of
are
named
after
the
highest
phase
in
them,
which
is
Ozen.
Conversely,
there
is
the
language
of
translation,
since
when
the
lower
ones
do
not
raise
in
purity,
it
is
considered
that
they
wish
to
grip
only
to
the
letters
and
not
to
connect
them
with
the
name
Bina.
But
then
the
posterior
of
appear,
and
the
heaven
and
earth,
return
to
and
it
is
in
the
language
of
translation.
Now
you
can
understand
that
“sleep”
[Tardema]
in
Gematria
is
“translation”
[Targum].
It
is
also
the
letters
Tered
will
descend],
since
through
this
language,
which
is
not
pure,
the
posterior,
appear,
and
this
is
the
meaning
of
Tered
It
follows
that
the
scales
descend
and
arrive
at
a
side
of
fault.
All
this
is
in
regard
to
which
is
heaven
and
earth
that
were
created
in
because
they
emerged
from
the
coupling
of
Yesodot,
called
But
the
holy
angels
emerged
from
the
coupling
of
Neshikin
[kisses]
of
and
have
no
in
them,
only
the
upper
world,
Bina.
On
the
one
hand,
this
is
why
they
are
always
only
in
and
not
in
but
on
the
other
hand,
their
is
light
of
Hassadim
of
upper
Bina,
too,
who
are
just
as
important
as
and
do
not
need
Hochma
as
does
upper
Ima.
This
is
why
they
are
holy,
since
are
called
“holiness.”
For
this
reason,
the
angels
are
not
at
all
impressed
by
the
language
of
translation
that
reveals
in
and
brings
them
back
to
for
two
reasons:
1)
Even
when
have
from
the
holy
tongue,
they
do
not
receive
the
from
him,
as
they
desire
only
light
of
Hassadim,
like
upper
Ima.
2)
The
disclosure
of
the
posterior
of
does
not
concern
them
because
there
is
no
in
them.
This
is
why
the
holy
angels
do
not
listen
to
the
translation,
to
the
Aramaic
language,
and
do
not
know
it.
They
have
no
need
because
they
do
not
lose
anything
because
of
it,
and
do
not
gain
anything
by
its
departure,
as
they
are
only
and
do
not
know
it,
as
there
is
no
in
them.
It
was
said
that
they
will
not
envy
a
person
so
as
to
harm
him
because
this
verse
curses
other
gods,
who
disrupt
the
disclosure
of
Mochin
of
from
Hochma.
Hence,
they
must
perish
from
the
earth
and
from
under
these
heavens.
And
since
the
angels,
too,
have
no
of
Hochma,
only
of
Hassadim,
they
will
feel
degradation
of
their
degree
and
will
envy
us
for
thinking
so
highly
of
ourselves.
Also,
they
are
called
Elokim
and
are
included
in
Elokim,
but
they
did
not
make
the
heaven
and
the
earth,
since
they
are
called
Elokim
because
they
are
drawn
out
of
Ima,
who
is
called
Elokim,
hence
they
are
included
in
Elokim.
Yet,
they
did
not
make
the
heaven
and
the
earth
because
they,
too,
cannot
keep
the
heaven
and
the
earth
in
the
of
Hochma,
and
there
is
no
existence
for
heaven
and
earth
for
people’s
settlement
with
seed
and
harvest
except
through
Mochin
of
of
Hochma.
Thus,
they,
too,
did
not
make
the
heaven
and
the
earth.
153)
It
is
written,
“And
the
land,”
since
the
land
is
one
of
seven
lands
below.
In
that
place
are
the
children
of
Cain’s
children
because
once
he
was
expelled
from
the
face
of
the
earth,
he
went
down
there,
produced
offspring,
and
his
mind
was
confused
there,
meaning
that
he
did
not
know
anything.
It
is
a
doubled
land,
doubled
with
darkness
and
light.
are
incorporated
in
one
another,
and
in
each
there
are
seven
Sefirot
which
are
also
found
in
Malchut.
In
the
lower
land
there
are
seven
lands,
as
well:
Earth,
Land,
Arka
[Earth
in
Aramaic],
Valley,
Oblivion,
Aridity,
and
Universe.
Our
earth
is
Universe,
the
highest
among
the
seven
lands.
Arka
is
the
third
among
the
seven
lands.
The
souls
of
Cain
and
Abel
were
extended
from
the
name
Elokim.
However,
because
of
the
filth
that
the
serpent
cast
in
Eve,
the
soul
of
Cain
was
the
first
to
come
out
of
the
letters
then
Abel
came
out
from
the
letters
They
were
meant
to
be
included
in
one
another
in
Rachamim,
then
the
name
Elokim
would
be
on
both
of
them
together,
as
always
bonded
with
in
the
name
Elokim.
Yet,
the
filth
of
the
serpent,
who
came
out
with
the
soul
of
Cain,
caused
him
to
slander
his
brother
Abel,
who
is
of
Elokim,
until
he
rose
up
against
him
and
killed
him,
since
he
caused
the
departure
of
the
letters
from
which
is
the
killing
of
Abel.
Then
which
are
himself,
fell
to
the
shells,
and
he
was
expelled
from
the
face
of
the
earth
because
he
fell
from
the
land
of
Kedusha
[holiness],
descended
there
to
Arka,
the
place
of
the
shells,
made
offspring,
and
his
mind
was
confused
there
until
he
knew
nothing
because
he
made
offspring
under
the
governance
of
the
shells.
Hence,
the
holy
tongue
was
confused
in
his
mouth
to
the
language
of
translation,
meaning
that
he
did
not
know
anything,
for
he
had
lost
his
Daat
[reason],
since
the
shells
have
no
Daat
because
they
have
Mochin
of
without
Daat.
The
matter
of
his
killing
of
Abel
is
only
because
by
the
force
of
in
purity
is
drawn
to
the
Afterwards,
the
letters
are
drawn
and
the
name
Elokim
is
completed
in
too,
as
in
Then
the
Nukva,
too,
ends
in
male
vessels,
like
Ima,
upon
the
exit
of
the
letter
Hey
and
the
ascent
of
the
Yod.
This
does
not
mean
that
the
letter
Hey
of
of
Nukva
departs
altogether.
Rather,
the
Hey
entered
within
the
Nukva
in
concealment,
and
the
Yod
of
appeared
outwards.
In
this
way,
the
holy
name
Elokim
is
present
in
too,
which
are
heaven
and
earth.
However,
Cain
raised
not
in
purity
and
wished
to
enhance
the
letters
of
himself,
to
delight
himself,
and
it
is
written,
“Cain
rose
up
against
Abel
his
brother”
because
he
lifted
himself
up
by
the
dominion
of
which
is
Abel.
At
that
time,
the
posterior
of
the
Nukva,
who
is
Hey
of
that
was
in
concealment,
immediately
appeared,
and
the
name
departed
from
the
Nukva.
For
this
reason,
the
soul
of
Abel,
which
was
extended
from
the
of
Nukva,
departed
above
as
well.
This
is
why
it
is
written,
“And
killed
him,”
and
this
is
why
it
is
said
in
The
Zohar
that
when
Cain
killed
Abel,
he
bit
him
with
his
teeth
like
the
primordial
serpent
and
killed
him.
Because
the
filth
of
the
serpent
was
in
him,
he
wished
to
enhance
the
letters
and
to
annul
the
and
subdue
him
under
him.
This
is
why
he
disclosed
the
posterior,
in
Nukva,
and
departed
from
her.
For
this
reason,
the
soul
of
Abel
that
is
extended
from
her
departed
and
he
killed
him,
while
Cain
himself,
who
is
fell
into
the
domain
of
the
shells,
which
are
Arka,
called
in
the
text,
“the
land
of
Nod.”
“It
is
a
doubled
land,
doubled
with
darkness
and
light.”
There
are
two
appointees
there,
since
light
and
darkness
operate
in
mixture
there,
without
boundaries
between
them,
as
there
are
two
appointees
there,
equally
governing
this
land:
1)
The
appointee
over
darkness,
who
places
the
darkness
there.
2)
The
appointee
over
the
light,
who
places
the
light
there.
154)
There
are
two
appointees
who
govern
there,
one
in
darkness
and
one
in
light.
They
were
hostile
toward
each
other,
and
when
Cain
went
down
there,
they
united
with
each
other
and
were
completed
together.
Then
everyone
saw
that
they
were
Cain’s
offspring.
Hence,
they
have
two
heads,
like
two
serpents,
except
when
that
appointee
over
the
light
governs.
He
wins
his
own,
meaning
the
light,
and
wins
the
other,
the
appointee
over
the
darkness.
Hence,
those
in
the
darkness
were
incorporated
in
those
in
the
light,
and
they
became
one.
Upon
the
emergence
of
the
holy
name
Elokim,
the
letters
first
rise
and
join
in
the
form
of
concealed
in
the
name,
since
they
are
devoid
of
Hassadim.
The
holiness,
Hochma,
cannot
clothe
in
them
without
clothing
of
Hassadim,
hence
they
are
hidden
in
the
name
Elokim.
Afterwards,
a
second
coupling
is
made
in
to
draw
out
Hassadim,
and
now
Hochma
dresses
in
Hassadim
and
the
name
Elokim
is
completed,
as
it
is
said,
“Who
created
these?”
He
created
light
for
His
light,
meaning
garments
of
glory
of
Hassadim,
and
clothed
in
them.
Thus,
conjoined
with
and
Elokim
was
completed.
In
Bina,
there
is
upper
who
were
established
as
pure
air,
desiring
mercy
and
not
receiving
Hochma.
Only
of
receive
Hochma.
Hence,
in
the
beginning
of
the
ascent
of
the
letters
to
they
rise
to
of
which
receive
Hochma.
At
that
time,
they
are
hidden
in
the
name
Elokim.
But
afterwards,
the
second
coupling
of
the
of
MI—pure
air—takes
place,
giving
the
garment
of
glory
that
shines
for
and
then
they
are
completed
in
the
holy
name
Elokim.
The
soul
of
Cain
was
from
the
while
they
were
hidden
in
the
name.
Hence,
the
Kedusha,
Hochma,
was
hidden
for
him
due
to
the
absence
of
clothing
of
Hassadim.
But
not
only
did
he
not
raise
to
draw
the
of
Hassadim,
he
also
wished
to
extend
Hochma
from
upper
by
which
he
killed
Abel,
for
he
disclosed
the
posterior
of
Nukva
of
casting
his
soul
to
the
shells,
which
are
since
the
place
of
these
shells
is
in
Arka.
The
two
appointees
that
are
there
are
from
of
the
shells,
as
it
is
written,
“God
has
made
them
one
opposite
the
other.”
In
the
Nukva,
there
are
concealed
posterior
of
and
disclosed
Then
she
can
shine
to
the
souls
with
the
holy
name
Elokim
in
completeness.
It
is
so
because
then
the
Hochma
of
the
letters
who
received
from
the
of
clothe
in
Hassadim
of
of
Hassadim
of
of
and
the
holy
name
appears
there.
However,
in
the
Sitra
Achra,
whose
suckling
is
only
from
the
posterior
of
Kedusha,
the
letters
are
with
two
faults:
1)
They
are
completely
devoid
of
Hassadim.
2)
The
Hochma
in
cannot
clothe
there
due
to
lack
of
Hassadim
of
hence,
they
are
in
darkness
and
not
in
light.
This
is
the
male
of
of
the
shell,
since
his
vessels
are
vessels
of
Hochma,
but
they
are
empty
of
Hochma
for
lack
of
Hassadim
of
in
a
way
that
is
entirely
dark
from
both
Hochma
and
from
Hassadim.
Yet,
his
great
merit
is
in
the
power
of
his
vessels,
who
were
fit
for
Hochma,
if
he
could
receive
the
clothing
of
Hassadim.
Also,
the
Nukva
of
of
the
shell
is
from
the
posterior
of
of
the
Nukva
of
Kedusha,
who
is
a
vessel
of
Hassadim.
Yet,
she
is
very
flawed
in
the
shell,
who
is
the
root
of
the
separation,
forging
in
the
name
of
the
King.
Tuma’a
[impurity]
has
many
names,
according
to
her
corruptions.
However,
she
has
a
tiny
light
from
her
vessels,
from
the
posterior
of
who
are
essentially
vessels
of
Hassadim.
Know
that
these
male
and
female
of
of
the
shell
are
the
two
appointees
in
the
land
Arka:
the
male
is
appointed
over
the
darkness,
and
the
female
is
appointed
over
the
light
that
is
there.
Hence,
they
slander
each
other
because
they
are
opposite
from
one
another.
In
the
male
are
the
empty
vessels
of
Hochma
from
the
letters
of
Hence,
he
hates
the
force
of
forgery
and
separation
in
his
vessels
of
the
Nukva,
and
prefers
the
darkness
in
him.
The
female,
who
has
a
tiny
light
from
Hassadim,
has
no
desire
for
light
of
Hochma
whatsoever,
much
less
the
darkness
of
the
male;
hence,
she
slanders
him
and
runs
away
from
him.
It
was
said
that
there
are
two
appointed
rulers
there
who
govern—one
in
the
darkness
and
one
in
the
light—and
who
were
hostile
toward
each
other
because
the
male
governs
in
the
dark
and
the
female
in
the
light.
They
slander
and
hate
each
other,
and
since
they
are
separated
from
one
another
they
cannot
expand
at
all
and
are
powerless
to
harm.
However,
after
Cain
sinned
and
dropped
the
letters
of
Kedusha
in
his
soul
to
those
shells
in
Arka,
his
letters
which
were
blocked
from
Hassadim,
as
well,
clothed
inside
the
light
of
the
Nukva
of
of
the
shell.
By
that,
he
revived
small
sparks
that
remained
in
Cain’s
vessels
of
related
to
Hochma,
since
the
light
of
the
evil
shell
revived
them
like
the
light
of
Hassadim
of
Kedusha.
As
a
result,
the
male
of
of
the
shell
made
a
coupling
with
this
Nukva,
who
clothed
the
of
Cain,
for
he
had
the
same
vessels
as
Cain’s.
Through
this
coupling,
Cain
begot
offspring
that
are
from
the
sparks
of
Hochma
that
remained
in
his
letters
that
are
mixed
with
the
vessels
of
of
the
male
of
the
shell,
which
clothed
in
the
light
of
the
evil
Nukva
of
the
shell.
This
is
why
it
was
said
that
when
Cain
went
down
there,
they
conjoined
and
were
completed
together,
since
the
sparks
of
Hochma
that
remained
in
Cain’s
clothed
in
the
light
of
the
female
of
the
shell.
By
that,
the
male
of
the
shell
lusted
after
her
to
receive
and
enjoy
Cain’s
sparks
of
Hochma
of
Thus,
they
made
a
coupling
with
each
other,
becoming
associated
and
completed
by
one
another
together.
Then
everyone
saw
that
they
were
Cain’s
offspring,
for
offspring
emerged
by
this
coupling,
clothing
of
Cain’s
sparks
of
in
the
light
of
the
shell.
By
that,
the
sparks
of
Hochma
of
Cain’s
soul
were
revealed
and
everyone
saw
that
they
were
Cain’s
offspring,
born
by
that
evil
coupling.
This
is
why
they
have
two
heads
like
two
serpents,
since
they
emerged
from
the
joining
of
the
male
and
female
of
of
the
shell,
who
are
opposite
in
their
roots.
Therefore,
the
offspring
that
Cain
engendered
with
its
help
have
the
same
two
heads
of
those
two
shells:
one
leaning
toward
the
darkness
of
the
vessels
of
Hochma,
and
the
other
leaning
toward
the
light
in
the
vessels
of
impurity
of
the
Nukva
of
the
shell.
It
was
said
that
they
are
as
two
serpents
because
they
are
the
opposite
of
the
two
animals
in
the
Merkava
[assembly/chariot]:
ox
and
eagle.
They
have
two
heads
only
when
the
male
dominates,
the
governance
of
the
darkness,
since
it
follows
that
through
his
clothing
in
the
light
of
the
Nukva,
to
enjoy
Cain’s
sparks
of
Hochma,
he
also
sustains
the
domination
of
his
Nukva
against
his
will
because
he
needs
his
light.
Hence,
at
that
time,
the
offspring
have
two
heads,
one
pulling
this
way
and
the
other
pulling
that
way.
But
the
Nukva
of
the
shell
does
not
need
her
male
at
all,
since
he
does
not
give
her
anything
because
he
is
all
darkness.
Hence,
when
the
Nukva
governs
and
wishes
to
win
with
her
impurity,
she
has
complete
dominance,
leaving
nothing
of
the
male.
Then
Cain’s
offspring,
their
two
heads,
return
to
being
one,
except
for
the
time
when
that
appointee
over
the
light
governs.
He
wins
over
his
own
and
wins
over
the
other.
That
is,
when
the
Nukva
of
the
shell—who
owns
the
light—governs,
she
grows
stronger
so
as
to
defeat
the
male—the
other
appointee.
He
wins
over
his
own
means
that
he
wins
over
his
own
force,
as
well
as
defeats
the
other,
defeating
the
other
appointee,
who
is
the
male,
since
she
completely
wins
over
the
male
under
her
dominion.
Hence,
those
who
are
in
the
darkness
were
incorporated
with
those
who
are
in
the
light,
and
they
became
one.
Because
of
it,
the
domination
of
the
male,
darkness,
was
incorporated
with
the
domination
of
the
female,
the
light,
and
the
two
heads
become
one.
155)
Those
two
appointees
are
called
Afrira
and
Kastimon,
and
their
form
is
as
the
forms
of
the
holy
angels,
with
six
wings.
One
is
in
the
shape
of
an
ox,
one
in
the
shape
of
an
eagle,
and
when
they
unite,
they
become
the
shape
of
a
man.
The
male
is
called
Kastimon,
from
the
word
Kosti,
which
means
“ruin.”
He
is
called
so
because
he
is
darkness
and
is
unfit
for
settling
people.
The
female
is
called
Afrira,
from
the
word
Afar
[dust],
unfit
for
sowing.
She
is
called
so
to
indicate
that
although
there
is
light
in
her,
it
is
still
not
enough
for
sowing
and
harvesting,
to
nourish
people
with
it.
Their
shape
is
as
the
shape
of
the
six-wing
angels,
as
they
are
the
opposite
of
the
upper
angels,
who
have
six
wings
corresponding
to
the
Vav
[six
in
Gematria]
of
HaVaYaH,
and
to
distinguish
from
the
holy
animals,
who
have
only
four
wings,
corresponding
to
the
letters
of
the
name
It
comes
to
indicate
the
height
of
these
shells,
which
are
the
opposite
of
the
upper
holy
angels.
The
male,
Kastimon,
is
in
the
shape
of
an
ox,
who
is
the
first
garment
in
which
the
Sitra
Achra
dresses,
as
it
is
said
in
The
Zohar,
that
one
appellant
and
slanderer,
the
first
evildoer
in
the
world,
comes
out
of
the
wine-yeast.
He
is
in
the
shape
of
a
man
when
he
approaches
the
holy
because
when
he
went
out
of
the
holy.
Once
he
comes
out
and
wants
to
descend,
to
clothe
in
a
garment
to
harm
the
world,
he
and
his
Merkavot
[plural
of
Merkava]
descend,
and
the
first
garment
that
he
takes
is
the
shape
of
an
ox.
And
the
first
evildoer
of
those
four
primordial
evildoers
is
an
ox.
Commentary:
The
upper
Mochin
are
called
“wine
that
delights
God
and
people.”
At
their
end
there
is
dross,
the
wine-yeast.
From
this
waste
emerges
the
first
evildoer
to
the
world,
who,
while
still
adhered
to
the
Kedusha,
to
the
yeast,
has
the
shape
of
a
man.
However,
when
he
comes
down
to
harm
people,
he
dresses
in
the
shape
of
an
ox.
Hence,
the
ox
is
the
first
of
the
primordial
evildoers.
Kastimon
is
the
evildoer
with
the
shape
of
an
ox,
indicating
that
he
is
the
root
of
all
evildoers
who
are
called
“the
ox
of
the
shell,”
the
dross
of
the
upper
Mochin
of
the
holy
name
Elokim,
of
the
shell,
corresponding
to
of
the
name
Elokim,
as
it
is
dross
and
yeast
that
stand
below
them.
Hence,
while
he
was
still
connected
to
Kedusha,
he
had
the
shape
of
a
man
because
these
Mochin
of
Elokim
are
the
shape
[in
Hebrew
Tzelem]
of
a
man,
of
whom
it
is
written,
“For
in
the
image
of
God
He
made
man.”
However,
when
he
became
separated
from
the
Kedusha
and
went
down
to
his
place,
to
Arka,
he
clothed
in
the
clothing
of
an
ox.
His
female
in
Arka
has
the
form
of
an
eagle,
after
her
role
to
drop
souls
of
people
that
fall
under
her
governance.
Nesher
[eagle]
comes
from
the
word
Neshira
[falling/dropping]
of
leaves
from
the
tree.
It
is
her
role
to
wander
in
the
world
and
bring
people
into
nocturnal
emission,
blemishing
the
holy
covenant,
and
by
that
flaw,
the
souls
fall
off
people.
When
they
unite,
they
become
shaped
like
a
man,
and
if
they
reunite
with
Kedusha,
to
be
there
yeast
under
the
wine,
they
return
to
the
shape
of
a
man
as
they
were
before
they
descended
into
Arka
and
became
evildoers.
156)
When
they
are
in
the
dark,
they
invert
into
the
shape
of
a
serpent
with
two
heads.
They
walk
like
a
serpent
and
fly
in
the
deep,
and
bathe
in
the
great
sea.
When
they
arrive
at
the
chain
of
Aza
and
Azael,
they
anger
them
and
awaken
them,
then
leap
into
the
mountains
of
darkness
and
think
that
the
Creator
wishes
to
summon
them
for
judgment.
Except
when
that
appointee
over
the
light
governs.
He
wins
over
the
light
and
wins
over
the
other.
Hence,
those
who
are
in
the
dark
were
included
in
those
who
are
in
the
light
and
became
one,
for
at
the
time
of
the
domination
of
the
Nukva,
light,
the
two
heads
return
to
being
one
head.
But
when
they
are
in
the
dark,
at
the
time
of
the
governance
of
the
male
Kastimon,
they
invert
into
the
form
of
a
double-head
serpent,
since
the
male
cannot
revoke
the
domination
of
the
Nukva,
as
he
needs
to
clothe
in
her
light.
Hence,
they
are
as
a
serpent
with
two
heads,
going
to
harm
in
the
way
of
the
serpent,
in
the
same
way
that
the
serpent
seduced
Eve
to
eat
from
the
tree
of
knowledge.
By
the
power
of
the
Rosh
of
the
Nukva
of
the
shell,
they
fly
within
the
deep,
where
there
is
the
root
of
the
shells,
called
“deep,”
which
is
the
lowest
descent
of
all,
as
it
is
written,
“They
rose
up
to
the
heavens,
they
went
down
to
the
depths.”
By
the
power
of
the
Rosh
of
the
male
of
the
shell,
they
bathe
in
the
great
sea,
which
is
Hochma
of
the
shell,
since
“sea”
is
the
name
of
Hochma.
Know
that
because
of
it,
Arka
is
called
“the
land
of
Nod,”
as
they
always
Mitnadnedim
[swing/sway]
due
to
the
two
heads
of
those
appointees—once
rising
in
the
great
sea
and
once
going
down
to
the
depths.
Clarification
of
the
angels
Aza
and
Azael:
Know
that
Aza
and
Azael
are
of
the
highest
angels.
You
find
that
even
after
their
fall
from
the
heavens
into
this
world,
to
the
mountains
of
darkness,
and
being
bound
with
iron
chains,
Balaam
attained
all
his
degrees
in
prophecy
through
them.
It
is
said
about
them,
“Who
sees
the
vision
of
the
Almighty,”
by
his
attainment
of
those
angels,
who
are
called
“falling”
and
“open
eyed.”
Aza
is
called
“falling”
after
his
fall
from
heaven
to
earth.
Azael
is
called
“open
eyed”
in
relation
to
Aza,
in
whose
face
the
Creator
threw
darkness.
And
if
you
say
that
the
Balaam’s
degree
of
prophecy
is
a
small
thing,
we
learn,
“Never
has
a
prophet
such
as
Moses
arisen
in
Israel.”
Never
has
one
arisen
in
Israel,
but
in
the
nations
of
the
world
one
has
arisen,
and
he
is
Balaam.
The
reason
why
they
fell
from
heaven
to
earth
is
that
they
slandered
the
man
during
creation.
However,
we
must
understand,
since
many
angels
slandered
at
that
time,
as
we
learn,
so
why
did
the
Creator
drop
only
Aza
and
Azael?
But
when
the
Creator
wished
to
create
man,
He
summoned
sects
of
the
upper
angels,
sat
them
down
before
Him,
and
said,
“I
wish
to
create
man.”
They
replied,
“What
is
man,
that
You
should
remember
him?”
That
is,
“What
is
the
nature
of
this
man?”
He
told
them,
“Man
was
created
in
our
image;
his
wisdom
will
be
greater
than
your
wisdom,
since
man’s
soul
incorporates
all
the
angels
and
upper
degrees,
just
as
his
body
incorporates
all
the
creations
of
this
world.
For
this
reason,
upon
the
creation
of
man’s
soul,
He
called
upon
all
the
upper
angels
to
include
themselves
in
man’s
soul,
as
it
is
written,
“Let
us
make
man
in
our
image,
after
our
likeness.”
In
other
words,
He
associated
all
the
angels
so
they
would
be
incorporated
in
the
image
and
likeness
of
the
man.
They
asked
the
Creator,
“What
is
the
nature
of
this
man?”
meaning,
“What
will
we
gain
from
him,
by
our
incorporation
in
him?”
He
replied,
“Man
was
created
in
our
image;
his
wisdom
will
be
greater
than
your
wisdom.”
He
promised
them
that
this
man,
who
was
to
be
comprised
of
our
image,
his
wisdom
would
be
greater
than
your
wisdom.
And
you,
too,
will
gain
that
great
attainment
that
you
are
now
lacking.
In
the
future,
Israel’s
merit
will
be
greater
than
that
of
the
angels.
Thus,
they
all
partook
and
were
incorporated
in
man’s
image.
After
He
created
man
and
he
sinned,
Aza
and
Azael
came
and
said
to
the
Creator,
“We
have
a
complaint
to
make
before
You:
This
man
that
You
made
sinned
before
You.”
He
replied,
“If
you
were
with
them,
you
would
be
worse
than
him.”
Then
the
Creator
dropped
them
from
their
holy
degree,
from
heaven.
After
the
Creator
dropped
them
from
their
holy
place,
they
went
astray
after
the
women
of
the
world
and
misled
the
people
of
the
world.
Explanation:
You
will
see
that
not
all
the
angels
came
to
complain
to
the
Creator
for
Adam’s
sin,
only
Aza
and
Azael.
This
is
because
they
knew
that
he
would
repent.
However,
Aza
and
Azael
knew
that
this
fault
that
they
obtained
because
of
Adam’s
sin
would
not
be
corrected
by
his
repentance
whatsoever.
Moreover,
they
would
rather
he
did
not
repent
at
all,
which
is
why
only
they
complained
about
Adam’s
sin,
because
for
them,
it
is
as
it
is
written,
a
wrong
that
cannot
be
mended
and
a
fault
that
cannot
be
counted.
The
breaking
of
the
vessels
and
the
sin
of
Adam
HaRishon
are
the
same
thing.
However,
it
is
called
“the
breaking
of
the
vessels”
with
respect
to
the
existence
of
the
worlds,
and
with
respect
to
the
souls,
it
was
done
in
Adam’s
sin.
It
is
known
that
the
breaking
of
the
vessels
governed
in
the
eight
kings,
the
king
of
Daat
and
the
In
each
of
those
kings
are
phases,
which
are
ten
Sefirot,
and
four
phases
in
each
Sefira.
Thus,
eight
times
are
phases.
They
are
called
sparks
that
were
thrown
in
every
direction
upon
the
breaking
of
the
vessels.
Repentance
means
that
by
raising
we
raise
these
sparks
from
the
shells
back
to
their
place
in
Atzilut
as
they
were
prior
to
the
sin
of
Adam
HaRishon.
However,
we
do
not
have
the
strength
to
sort
the
Malchuts
in
those
eight
kings
because
their
flaw
is
far
beyond
our
strength.
Hence,
we
are
permitted
only
to
sort
out
the
sparks
through
our
repentance,
which
are
only
nine
times
32,
and
we
are
forbidden
to
even
touch
the
Malchuts
in
them,
which
are
called
“the
stony
heart.”
By
that,
the
of
called
“Inner
were
hidden,
since
those
sparks
belong
to
them
for
the
completion
of
their
ten
Sefirot,
and
as
long
as
they
lack
them,
they
have
no
coupling.
However,
once
the
sorting
of
all
sparks
is
completed,
the
stony
heart
will
be
sorted
by
itself,
without
requiring
action
on
our
part.
Then
it
will
be
said,
“And
will
remove
the
stony
heart
from
your
flesh.”
Then,
inner
will
obtain
their
Mochin,
and
this
will
be
at
the
end
of
correction.
However,
this
posterior
of
cannot
receive
any
correction
by
our
repentance
before
the
end
of
correction.
Know
that
these
angels,
Aza
and
Azael,
are
the
posterior
of
who
were
canceled
at
the
time
of
the
breaking
of
the
vessels.
But
prior
to
the
sin
of
Adam
HaRishon,
they
were
corrected
again
to
a
great
extent,
were
canceled
once
more
after
the
sin
of
Adam
HaRishon,
and
cannot
be
corrected
prior
to
the
end
of
correction.
This
is
why
Aza
and
Azael
complained
to
the
Creator
about
their
Mochin,
which
they
lost
due
to
Adam’s
sin,
since
they
saw
that
they
had
no
hope
that
man
would
be
able
to
correct
them
through
his
repentance.
Moreover,
they
saw
that
through
his
repentance,
Adam
HaRishon
would
drop
them
even
lower
than
their
degree
because
the
repentance
should
be
only
on
the
sparks
without
touching
the
stony
heart,
which
belong
to
the
correction
of
inner
to
which
the
Mochin
of
these
angels
relate.
The
whole
issue
of
repentance
and
raising
of
is
about
removing
this
waste,
the
sparks,
from
the
food,
which
are
the
288.
It
follows
that
they
bring
Aza
and
Azael
even
further
down
by
completely
removing
the
waste—which
is
the
stony
heart—from
the
Kedusha.
For
this
reason,
they
slandered
and
prevented
Adam
from
repenting,
since
repentance
would
bring
them
even
lower
down
because
those
sparks
belong
to
their
structure.
And
when
the
Creator
saw
that
their
slandering
would
weaken
Adam
from
repenting,
He
told
them,
“If
you
were
with
them,
you
would
be
worse
than
him.”
It
is
so
because
Adam
HaRishon
did
not
corrupt
them
at
all
by
his
sin.
Although
they
have
merit
and
Kedusha
while
they
are
in
heaven,
where
the
shells
have
no
grip,
it
is
not
complete
wholeness
while
they
cannot
be
in
this
world
of
ours,
the
place
of
the
shells.
This
is
why
the
Creator
told
them,
“You
did
not
lose
anything
by
Adam’s
sin
because
you
are
no
better
than
him
anyway,
for
your
merit
is
only
because
the
place
causes
it.”
The
Creator’s
speech
is
action.
Hence,
they
promptly
fell
from
heaven
into
our
earth.
And
once
the
Creator
dropped
them
from
their
holy
place,
they
went
astray
after
the
women
of
the
world
and
misled
the
people
of
the
world.
That
is,
once
they
came
to
this
world,
they
began
to
sort
the
stony
heart,
which
is
included
in
the
daughters
of
man,
as
it
is
written,
“And
the
sons
of
God
saw
that
the
daughters
of
men
were
beautiful;
and
they
took
wives
for
themselves,
whomever
they
chose.”
This
is
because
they
did
not
wish
to
separate
the
waste
of
the
stony
heart
and
choose
only
the
288,
but
took
from
whatever
they
chose,
meaning
the
stony
heart,
as
well.
Then
they,
too,
failed
with
the
Nukva,
wicked
Lilit,
and
they
wished
to
mislead
the
world
with
those
evil
deeds
of
theirs
because
they
did
not
want
man
to
repent,
as
this
contradicts
their
root.
What
did
the
Creator
do?
He
saw
that
Aza
and
Azael
were
misleading
the
world.
He
bound
them
with
iron
chains
in
the
mountains
of
darkness
because
the
Creator
saw
that
if
they
had
the
strength
to
return
to
heaven
after
their
sin,
all
of
Adam’s
children
would
fail
after
them
and
would
not
be
able
to
repent,
for
their
dominance
would
be
very
great.
Thus,
although
they
are
of
a
high
root,
He
gave
permission
to
the
root
of
the
shells,
called
“iron,”
as
it
is
written,
“No
iron
tools
were
heard
in
the
house
while
it
was
being
built.”
And
since
this
shell
was
attached
to
them,
they
were
bound
by
it
as
with
iron
chains,
inside
the
mountains
of
darkness,
unable
to
rise
from
there
until
the
end
of
correction.
This
is
why
it
was
said
that
when
they
are
in
the
dark,
they
turn
into
the
shape
of
a
serpent
with
two
heads,
and
they
walk
like
a
serpent
and
fly
inside
the
abyss
and
bathe
in
the
great
sea.
When
they
arrive
at
the
chain
of
Aza
and
Azael,
they
anger
them
and
awaken
them,
since
once
they
bathe
in
the
great
sea—Hochma
of
the
shells—they
receive
the
strength
to
bond
with
Aza
and
Azael,
which
are
in
the
mountains
of
darkness,
to
receive
Hochma
from
them.
They
awakened
them
to
give
them
of
their
Hochma,
they
anger
them
and
awaken
them
the
awakening
of
phase
four,
which
is
the
Gadlut
of
reception,
called
“anger”
and
“vexation,”
as
we
learn,
“All
who
are
greedy
are
angry.”
They
leap
into
the
mountains
of
darkness
and
think
that
the
Creator
wishes
to
summon
them
for
judgment
because
they
could
not
rise
to
their
root
and
receive
Hochma
for
them
due
to
the
iron
chains
on
them.
Hence,
it
is
considered
that
they
would
jump
up
and
fall
back
down,
by
which
they
made
their
place
in
the
mountains
of
darkness
deeper,
and
they
thought
that
the
Creator
wished
to
renew
the
power
of
judgment
over
them
due
to
their
jumps
to
receive
from
their
root.
This
is
why
they
ceased
from
leaping.
And
yet,
those
two
appointees
swim
in
the
great
sea.
That
is,
although
they
could
not
really
give
them
anything,
since
they
only
jumped
and
fell,
it
was
enough
for
the
two
appointees
to
receive
Hochma
from
them,
until
they
swam
in
the
great
sea.
It
is
so
because
now
they
had
the
strength
to
sail
there
in
the
sea
of
Hochma
of
the
shell,
whereas
before
they
had
only
the
strength
to
bathe
there.
The
reason
is
that
there
is
no
action
in
all
this
matter
of
those
high
shells.
All
their
actions
end
with
just
a
thought
and
a
desire
because
they
are
the
forces
of
separation.
Before
they
come
into
action,
the
Kedusha
departs
from
there,
hence
it
is
unimaginable
that
they
will
ever
come
into
action.
For
this
reason,
in
idol-worship,
the
Creator
also
punishes
only
for
the
thought
and
the
desire,
as
it
is
written,
“to
capture
the
house
of
Israel
in
their
hearts.”
It
is
as
we
learn,
that
a
man
is
punished
for
a
thought
of
idolatry
as
much
as
for
an
act.
Thus,
the
jumps
of
Aza
and
Azael
were
enough
to
receive
their
Hochma,
although
in
truth,
they
were
given
nothing.
157)
Those
two
appointees
swim
in
the
great
sea,
depart
from
there,
and
go
to
Naama
at
night,
along
with
the
demons
who
strayed
after
her,
the
first
sons
of
the
gods,
who
contemplate
approaching
her.
She
leaps
over
60,000
parasangs
and
inverts
into
several
shapes
for
people,
so
people
will
be
led
astray
after
her.
Commentary:
Once
they
received
power
from
Aza
and
from
Azael,
they
could
make
a
coupling
with
Naama,
as
well,
after
whom
the
first
angels,
Aza
and
Azael
went
astray,
as
well.
Out
of
that
coupling,
Naama
bore
all
the
evil
spirits
and
demons
in
the
world.
The
first
sons
of
the
gods
were
led
astray
after
her,
which
are
Aza
and
Azael,
who
are
called
“sons
of
the
gods,”
as
written
in
Genesis.
We
should
understand
the
matter,
since
they
were
angels
of
above,
so
how
did
they
come
into
erring
in
whoring
with
Naama?
Also,
why
did
Naama
bear
only
demons
and
spirits
because
of
it,
and
not
people?
The
upper
world,
was
created
with
a
Yod,
male,
and
there
is
nothing
of
phase
four
in
them
whatsoever.
But
the
lower
world,
were
created
with
a
Hey,
which
also
consists
also
of
phase
four.
Bina,
desire
the
light
of
Hassadim,
for
this
is
how
Bina
emerged
initially,
in
the
four
phases
of
direct
light.
However,
need
light
of
Hochma
because
so
was
of
Ohr
Yashar
emanated,
in
this
illumination
of
Hochma
in
these
Hassadim.
The
angels
who
are
at
the
Sium
of
the
Yod,
like
them,
came
out
from
the
coupling
of
and
desire
only
after
Hassadim
and
not
after
Hochma,
like
them.
The
souls
of
people
came
out
from
the
lower
world,
and
the
souls
are
at
the
Sium
of
the
Hey,
on
which
there
was
the
restriction
of
not
receiving
Hochma
because
phase
four
is
included
in
her.
Also,
they
need
and
crave
Hochma,
like
as
they
are
extended
from
them.
When
Adam
HaRishon
was
born
from
were
clothing
the
upper
world,
and
ended
in
the
Yod,
as
well,
but
the
Hey
was
hidden
in
their
posterior.
Hence,
the
merit
of
Adam
HaRishon
was
very
great
because
being
in
in
the
upper
world
and
ending
in
the
Yod,
his
degree
was
as
the
angels
above,
who
are
born
from
Yet,
he
was
receiving
upper
Hochma
since
he
was
from
and
the
name
Elokim
was
on
him—Hochma—in
the
wholeness
of
the
upper
world,
since
there
is
no
restriction
and
phase
four
in
Yod.
He
bore
Cain
and
Abel
out
of
that
phase—Cain
from
and
Abel
from
Yet,
in
both,
the
bottom
Hey
was
not
revealed,
but
only
the
Yod,
since
there
was
upper
Hochma
in
them.
Also,
the
primary
carrier
of
the
Hochma
is
of
Bina,
Cain’s
soul.
Still,
Cain
was
envious
of
the
superior
twin
that
was
hidden
in
since
the
bottom
Hey
is
concealed
in
this
Yod,
and
Cain
wished
to
make
a
coupling
with
her.
That
is,
he
wished
to
extend
his
Hochma
into
phase
four
that
was
hidden
in
Abel’s
soul.
By
that,
he
killed
Abel
because
once
the
bottom
Hey
was
disclosed,
the
restriction
on
her
became
disclosed,
as
well—that
she
was
forbidden
to
receive
from
the
upper
light.
Hence,
the
name
Elokim
departed
from
both
of
them.
However,
which
is
departed
upward,
and
this
is
considered
that
he
killed
Abel.
Cain’s
fell
into
the
shells,
which
is
Arka,
and
although
he
fell
to
the
shells,
there
still
remained
some
sparks
of
Hochma
in
the
vessels,
especially
in
his
daughters,
who
were
not
so
blemished—they
have
even
more
sparks
from
Bina.
Naama,
of
Cain’s
daughter,
was
more
beautiful
than
all
of
Adam’s
daughters.
This
is
so
because
the
sin
was
primarily
in
Cain’s
males
and
not
in
the
females,
who
are
the
ground
of
the
world.
Hence,
after
the
Creator
dropped
Aza
and
Azael
into
this
world,
which
was
created
with
a
Hey,
and
they
saw
Naama,
a
great
new
craving
awakened
in
them,
one
that
has
never
existed
before:
the
craving
for
light
of
Hochma.
At
their
root,
they
desire
only
Hassadim.
But
seeing
Naama
bore
in
them
this
new
craving
to
extend
Hochma.
And
since
they
do
not
have
the
restricted
bottom
Hey
in
their
own
structure,
and
the
bottom
Hey
was
not
revealed
in
the
structure
of
Naama
herself,
since
she
draws
from
Cain’s
they
erred
in
her,
that
she
was
fit
for
reception
of
Hochma,
and
made
a
coupling
with
her.
Their
mistake
was
twofold:
1)
Even
though
they
do
not
have
the
bottom
Hey
in
their
own
structure,
the
place
still
causes.
And
since
they
are
in
this
world,
the
bottom
Hey
controlled
them
and
they
were
forbidden
to
extend
the
light
of
Hochma.
2)
Their
thinking
that
there
was
no
bottom
Hey
in
the
construction
of
Naama,
as
well,
since
in
truth,
the
bottom
Hey
was
concealed
within
her.
Thus,
out
of
their
coupling,
all
the
harm-doing
demons
and
spirits
came
out
from
their
coupling.
Now
you
will
understand
what
we
learn,
that
the
demons
are
half
as
ministering
angels
and
half
as
people.
On
the
part
of
their
father,
Aza
and
Azael,
they
are
as
angels,
and
on
the
part
of
their
mother,
Naama,
they
are
as
people.
However,
she
could
not
bear
people
because
there
was
no
seed
of
people
in
her,
but
one
from
angels,
harm-doing
ones,
since
they
were
born
from
the
harlotry
of
the
greatest
separation
in
the
world,
hence
they
take
their
filth
with
them
to
harm
wherever
they
are.
Those
two
appointees
swim
in
the
great
sea
and
fly
from
there
and
go
at
night
to
Naama,
mother
of
the
demons,
after
whom
the
first
sons
of
the
gods
were
led
astray,
since
once
they
received
strength
from
those
angels
who
were
the
first
to
whore
with
Naama,
they
also
could
go
and
whore
with
her,
like
them.
They
walk
at
night
because
the
power
of
Hochma
of
the
shells
governs
only
in
the
dark,
at
night,
when
the
judgments
reign.
And
also,
because
of
their
root,
which
are
Aza
and
Azael,
who
were
bound
in
the
mountains
of
darkness.
They
contemplate
approaching
her,
and
she
leaps
60,000
parasangs.
This
is
so
because
once
they
whored
with
her,
she
leaps
60,000
parasangs,
which
means
that
she
smelled
of
such
stench
that
she
wished
to
cancel
the
Parsa
over
of
whose
every
Sefira
is
considered
10,000,
and
you
find
that
his
is
60,000
parasangs.
However,
he
does
not
say
that
they
approached
her,
only
that
they
contemplated
approaching
her.
Also,
he
does
not
say
that
she
roamed
60,000
parasangs,
but
only
that
she
leaped
60,000
parasangs.
This
is
so
because
she
only
leaped,
but
she
immediately
fell
back
down
and
did
not
touch
them,
since
no
act
applies
to
those
high
shells.
Their
only
flaw
is
in
their
thought
and
desire.
However,
even
so,
she
already
has
enough
strength
for
people
to
be
led
astray
after
her.
Although
she
does
not
cause
an
actual
deed
on
the
part
of
a
person,
but
only
a
thought
and
a
will
such
as
hers,
here
the
Creator
punishes
for
the
thought
as
much
as
for
an
act,
as
it
is
written,
“To
capture
the
house
of
Israel
in
their
hearts.”
158)
Those
two
appointees
depart
and
roam
throughout
the
world,
then
return
to
their
place.
They
awaken
the
sons
of
Cain’s
sons
with
a
spirit
of
evil
inclinations
to
make
offspring.
They
roam
throughout
the
world
to
harm
people
because
they
cause
people
to
be
defiled
by
nocturnal
emission.
This
is
so
because
once
they
make
the
people
of
this
world
sin,
they
return
to
their
permanent
place,
which
is
Arka,
where
they
evoke
the
sons
of
Cain’s
sons
to
make
offspring
in
their
filth.
He
tells
us
that
besides
making
the
sons
of
Cain
sin
in
Arka,
they
also
roam
our
land,
Universe,
making
the
dwellers
of
this
land
sin.
159)
The
heavens
that
govern
there
are
not
as
our
heavens,
and
the
land
does
not
bear
through
seed
and
harvesting,
such
as
ours,
nor
do
the
seeds
grow
once
more
but
only
every
several
years
and
times.
They
are
the
ones
of
whom
it
was
said,
“The
gods
that
have
not
made
the
heavens
and
the
earth
shall
perish”
from
the
upper
land,
called
Universe.
They
will
not
govern
it,
nor
roam
it,
nor
cause
people
to
be
defiled
by
nocturnal
emission.
Hence,
they
will
“Perish
from
the
earth
and
from
under
these
heavens,”
who
were
made
by
the
name
Commentary:
Our
heavens
receive
from
who
is
Mochin
of
begetting.
Hence,
our
land,
which
receives
in
his
Nukva,
receives
seed
and
harvesting.
But
the
heavens
of
Arka
have
no
Mochin
of
begetting
due
to
the
domination
of
the
shells
there.
Hence,
the
land
does
not
bear
by
them
seed
and
harvesting
such
as
ours,
as
there
is
no
power
in
the
land
to
receive
seed
and
to
put
forth
crop
and
harvest,
as
it
is
done
in
our
land.
Also,
the
seeds
grow
only
once
every
several
years
and
times,
since
the
seed
that
is
planted
there
grows
only
once
every
several
years
and
times.
It
was
said
that
those
two
appointees,
Afriron
and
Kastimon,
are
the
gods
who
have
not
made
the
heaven
and
the
earth.
They
could
not
mend
the
heaven
and
the
Arka
to
make
them
fit
for
producing
fruit.
Hence,
they
have
no
permission
to
roam
and
to
make
people
in
our
land,
Universe,
sin.
While
they
are
here,
they
damage
our
land,
as
well,
to
become
like
their
heaven
and
earth.
They
will
be
lost
from
the
upper
land,
called
Universe,
meaning
they
will
be
lost
from
our
land,
Universe,
so
they
will
not
control
it
and
roam
in
it,
causing
people
to
be
defiled
by
nocturnal
emission.
This
is
so
because
through
their
wandering
in
our
Universe,
they
cause
people
the
sin
of
nocturnal
emission—the
curse
that
lies
over
Arka
because
of
their
governance
there.
Hence,
they
will
perish
from
the
earth
and
from
under
our
heavens,
who
were
made
by
the
name
This
is
so
because
our
heavens
receive
from
the
corrected
who
were
made
in
the
name
as
it
is
written,
“In
the
beginning
God
created,”
where
is
associated
with
Hence,
our
land,
too,
is
corrected
in
the
upper
Kedusha
[holiness],
since
by
that
does
the
world
exist.
For
this
reason,
those
two
appointees
have
no
permission
to
roam
here.
160)
This
verse
is
a
translation
so
that
the
upper
angels
do
not
think
that
it
is
said
about
them
and
will
not
be
hostile
toward
us.
Hence,
the
word
is
a
holy
word
that
is
not
replaced
in
the
translation,
since
the
whole
verse
is
written
in
translation,
except
for
the
word
as
it
is
written,
“Shall
perish
from
the
earth
and
from
under
these
heavens.”
This
word
cannot
be
translated
because
the
connection
of
in
extends
upper
Mochin
of
Hochma,
and
if
the
letters
are
blemished,
like
Cain,
they
fall
into
the
shells,
and
even
the
sanctity
of
the
translation
does
not
remain
in
them.
Thus,
there
cannot
be
a
translation
of
them,
which
is
of
Kedusha.